Biggest Jain Youth Organization of India
Today, Jain Alert Group of India is a sangathan of more than 40,000+ Jain youths; with 400+ branches across India and globe. Alert Group of India’s motto is self-discipline, passionate Youth dedicated to the principles of Jainism and more precisely humanity towards all. Committed youth for ShriSangh Seva, Jain Sashan Prabhavna, Youth Empowerment, Humanity and great Nation building have become identity of Alert Group.
Jain Alert Group of India believes in work that is self initiated, silent, consistent and dedicated to Jain Shashan and humanity without craving for a name or fame... this is the psychology that P. Pujya Gurudev has imbibed in all Alerts...! Our Gurudev had a firm belief that Youth on spiritual path can bring a real change to our society.....
Present Mentor and Guide of Jain Alert Group is Param Pujya Acharya Bhagwant Sarswati Labdhi Prasad Shrimad Vijay Ratnasundarsuriwarji Maharaj Saheb.
All pious tasks are performed under guidance of Pranimitra, Jivdaya Premi Shravakratna Shri Kumarpal Bhai V. Shah.
Great Mission to change lives of Youth is taken as a life goal by our Sir Senadhipati, Sanghbhushan Shri Kalpeshbhai V. Shah, Shri Jayeshbhai Bhansali, Shri Prakashbhai Shah and Nileshbhai D.Shah who are leading youth towards seva and samrpan.
Alert is a way of life, a pious thought process, great philosophy that inspires youths across the country to perform activities of Shri Sangh Seva and Jain Shashan Prabhavna in their respective Sangh, Area, City, Region and State. A platform of Alert provides list of such activities, guidance, practical know how and readymade modules for doing any such activity with ease and effectiveness. Plateform of Alert Group is the right place to realise that each one can contribute to humanity in a busy schedule. One needs to have a right intension; rest Alert will facilitate…
"Connect, Create, Contribute and Carve your path with Alert Group Power of pious living"